Faculty of Social Sciences aims to help the youngsters for growing and developing into effective and efficient citizens of their country. All that which is needed by a child in his proper social development and turning him into a useful member of the society should be properly provided through teaching and learning of Social Sciences. The subject matter and the learning experiences related to Social Sciences possess enough potential in helping the growing children to acquire right type of behaviour and conduct and accordingly the teaching of Social Sciences should invariably aim for training the students in the right type of behaviour and conduct. The teaching and learning of sciences is helpful to the students in making them capable of applying and utilizing all such knowledge and understanding gained (as pointed out in the knowledge and understanding objectives) and skills acquired (as pointed out in the skill objectives) through the study of one or the other topics or learning experiences related to a Social Sciences course.
Under the umbrella of this faculty, the Institute of Economics and Political Sciences offers various courses in departments of Women, Peace and Security; Department of Economics and Department of Political Sciences. The Institute of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities offers various courses under the Department of History, Department of Philosophy, Department of Social Work, Department of Psychology and Department of Sociology.